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TeroCote® 7888 M

Carbide composite coating: Erosion /...

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TeroCote® 7888 M

Carbide composite coating: Erosion / abrasion high quality deposit.
TeroCote® 7888 M is a composite wire consisting in a nickel base and a flexible coating containing a mixture of tungsten carbides and a nickel-chromium alloy.
The deposit ensures a very high resistance to abrasion wear even in extreme conditions. The formula optimises the deposit appearance as well as the application of the product.


TeroCote® 7888 M is a composite wire consisting in a nickel base and a flexible coating containing a mixture of tungsten carbides and a nickel-chromium alloy.
The deposit ensures a very high resistance to abrasion wear even in extreme conditions. The formula optimises the deposit appearance as well as the application of the product.


The metallographic structure of the deposit gives the coating an exceptional erosion and abrasive wear resistance.
TeroCote® 7888 M is recommended for extending the service life of numerous parts, for protective maintenance in a wide range of industrial sectors:
  • Oil: drilling tools.
  • Brick & cement manufacture.
  • Mixer & scraper blades, extrusion screws.
  • Mining sectors: conveyor screws, pump rotors.
  • Iron and steel: guides and scraper blades.
  • Agriculture: ploughshares.

Teknik Veri

Tungsten carbides hardness
2500-2700 HV50
Carbide grain size
150 and 450 μm
Melting temperature
-1100 °C
Maximum operating temperature
Matrix hardness
40 HRC

Castolin Eutectic

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