EnDOtec® DO*310 welding wire
Rebuilding worn cast steel sections and buttering layers for wearfacing applications.
EnDOtec Seamless SCW Range “Solid Cored Wires”
- Smooth wire feeding & constant stick-out without lubricants.
- Greater peripheric arc stability & faster metal transfer.
- Excellent metal recovery effi ciencies up to 98%.
- Regular weld profiles, consistent quality & mechanical properties.
- Less spatter emissions & surface fi nish blemishes to clean.
- Exceptional positional weldability.
- Main Application: Ideal for rebuilding worn cast steel sections, medium carbon steel parts and buttering layers for wearfacing applications.
- Special Features:Good resistance to compression and plastic deformation.
- Multi-pass deposit capability.
- Dense, magnetic deposit.
- Readily machinable with cutting tools.
EnDOtec Seamless SCW Range “Solid Cored Wires”
- Smooth wire feeding & constant stick-out without lubricants.
- Greater peripheric arc stability & faster metal transfer.
- Excellent metal recovery effi ciencies up to 98%.
- Regular weld profiles, consistent quality & mechanical properties.
- Less spatter emissions & surface fi nish blemishes to clean.
- Exceptional positional weldability.
- Main Application: Ideal for rebuilding worn cast steel sections, medium carbon steel parts and buttering layers for wearfacing applications.
- Special Features:Good resistance to compression and plastic deformation.
- Multi-pass deposit capability.
- Dense, magnetic deposit.
- Readily machinable with cutting tools.
Teknik Veri
~ 350 HB
Castolin Eutectic