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CDP® 4623i wearplates

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CDP® 4623i wearplates

For any other application that suffers impact and mild abrasion.
CDP® 4623i is a composite material made of an easy-to-weld steel plate coated by means of open arc welding with a layer of impact and abrasion resistant alloy. CDP® 4623i is the High Load impact wearplate. The tough martensitic matrix contains complex carbides that are finely and homogeneously dispersed. This specific crystallographic structure allows the CDP® 4623i wearplate to withstand extreme conditions of impacts even when mild abrasion is present. This product is suitable for chutes, buckets, crushers and any other application with impacts.


CDP® 4623i is a composite material made of an easy-to-weld steel plate coated by means of open arc welding with a layer of impact and abrasion resistant alloy. CDP® 4623i is the High Load impact wearplate. The tough martensitic matrix contains complex carbides that are finely and homogeneously dispersed. This specific crystallographic structure allows the CDP® 4623i wearplate to withstand extreme conditions of impacts even when mild abrasion is present. This product is suitable for chutes, buckets, crushers and any other application with impacts.


Any application involving impact or impact plus abrasion.
CDP® 4623i wearplate is at the top of the range of welded CDP® when impact and abrasion are present at the same time.

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Teknik Veri

1,500 x 3,000mm (1,220 x 2,740mm coated, 3,34 m2)
Base material
mild steel
Type of wearfacing
chromium carbide, titanium carbide
Hardness of the weld cladded surface
53 – 55 HRC
Max operating temperature

Castolin Eutectic

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