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185 brazing rods

Repair and rebuilding of worn...

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185 brazing rods

Repair and rebuilding of worn and broken parts.
Cu-Zn-Ni braze welding alloy. Gears, pinions, pump impellers, roller bearing races.
It offers outstanding protection against friction wear and excellent resistance to corrosion. In dry metal-metal contact, 185's coefficient of friction is about one third of that of mild steel, so protective overlays of this alloy can greatly increase the service life of critical components. The 185 deposit is easily machinable, porosity free and can given a very high polish, making this alloy particularly suitable for rebuilding worn parts with fine tolerances.


Cu-Zn-Ni braze welding alloy. Gears, pinions, pump impellers, roller bearing races.
It offers outstanding protection against friction wear and excellent resistance to corrosion. In dry metal-metal contact, 185's coefficient of friction is about one third of that of mild steel, so protective overlays of this alloy can greatly increase the service life of critical components. The 185 deposit is easily machinable, porosity free and can given a very high polish, making this alloy particularly suitable for rebuilding worn parts with fine tolerances.


Protective coating and rebuilding. For rebuilding and overlaying parts made of copper and copper alloys, steel and cast iron.
Particularly suitable for applications requiring a low coefficient of friction and good resistance to corrosion.

Teknik Veri

Tensile strength
160-200 HB

Castolin Eutectic

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