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16 XFC® brazing rods

Flexible flux coated Cu-Zn-Ni-Ag braze...

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16 XFC® brazing rods

Flexible flux coated Cu-Zn-Ni-Ag braze welding alloy for steels.
Repair and capillary joining of tooling, metallic crafts, tubular frames, keys. Flexible flux coated Cu-Zn-Ag braze welding alloy for maximum security joints. Ideal for joining of galvanized steel tubes, tubular frames, car bodies, locks, brass plumbing. Easy to bend and use in complicated access areas. Features and benefits
  • Excellent bonding.
  • Color match with brass.
  • Low melting temperature.
  • Maximum security certified by Lloyds (Germany).


Repair and capillary joining of tooling, metallic crafts, tubular frames, keys. Flexible flux coated Cu-Zn-Ag braze welding alloy for maximum security joints. Ideal for joining of galvanized steel tubes, tubular frames, car bodies, locks, brass plumbing. Easy to bend and use in complicated access areas. Features and benefits
  • Excellent bonding.
  • Color match with brass.
  • Low melting temperature.
  • Maximum security certified by Lloyds (Germany).


Tooling industry, pipe lines, car body, gas tank, tubular frames.

Teknik Veri

Brass/ Bronce alloy Melting point

Castolin Eutectic

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