EnDOtec® DO*622 S welding wire
For massive steel casting cracks and fractures.
Features and benefits
Exceptionally crack resistant welds due to superior ductility combined with a thermal expansion coefficient closely matching carbon steels. The tough weld microstructure is resistant to prolonged high temperature service and thermal cycling fatigue stresses.
EnDOtec®’s annular cross sectional design, automatically produces a higher current density in the electrode’s metallic peripheral sheath. This ensures faster electrode fusion without sacrificing weld quality giving record weld deposition rates over Manual Metal Arc.
EnDOtec®'s peripheric cool arc concept produces a low heat imput transfer, which means that welds have better bonding, lower dilution, superior microstructure properties and minimal heat affected zones for maximum service performance.
- Massive steel casting cracks and fractures
- Repair welding and joining dissimilar ferrous and non ferrous alloys
- Superior resistance to high temperature thermal shock cycles.
- Clean regular slag protected weld deposits.
- Saves costly post welding heat treatment procedures.
Exceptionally crack resistant welds due to superior ductility combined with a thermal expansion coefficient closely matching carbon steels. The tough weld microstructure is resistant to prolonged high temperature service and thermal cycling fatigue stresses.
EnDOtec®’s annular cross sectional design, automatically produces a higher current density in the electrode’s metallic peripheral sheath. This ensures faster electrode fusion without sacrificing weld quality giving record weld deposition rates over Manual Metal Arc.
EnDOtec®'s peripheric cool arc concept produces a low heat imput transfer, which means that welds have better bonding, lower dilution, superior microstructure properties and minimal heat affected zones for maximum service performance.
Features and benefits
Exceptionally crack resistant welds due to superior ductility combined with a thermal expansion coefficient closely matching carbon steels. The tough weld microstructure is resistant to prolonged high temperature service and thermal cycling fatigue stresses.
EnDOtec®’s annular cross sectional design, automatically produces a higher current density in the electrode’s metallic peripheral sheath. This ensures faster electrode fusion without sacrificing weld quality giving record weld deposition rates over Manual Metal Arc.
EnDOtec®'s peripheric cool arc concept produces a low heat imput transfer, which means that welds have better bonding, lower dilution, superior microstructure properties and minimal heat affected zones for maximum service performance.
- Massive steel casting cracks and fractures
- Repair welding and joining dissimilar ferrous and non ferrous alloys
- Superior resistance to high temperature thermal shock cycles.
- Clean regular slag protected weld deposits.
- Saves costly post welding heat treatment procedures.
Exceptionally crack resistant welds due to superior ductility combined with a thermal expansion coefficient closely matching carbon steels. The tough weld microstructure is resistant to prolonged high temperature service and thermal cycling fatigue stresses.
EnDOtec®’s annular cross sectional design, automatically produces a higher current density in the electrode’s metallic peripheral sheath. This ensures faster electrode fusion without sacrificing weld quality giving record weld deposition rates over Manual Metal Arc.
EnDOtec®'s peripheric cool arc concept produces a low heat imput transfer, which means that welds have better bonding, lower dilution, superior microstructure properties and minimal heat affected zones for maximum service performance.
- Cement: Kiln tyres Ball mill couplings and clips.
- Railways: Rail brakes.
- Civil engineering: Mechanical arms - Chassis - Ripper teeth - Bucket arms.
- Chemical: Heat exchangers - Reservoirs - Boilers.
- General: Transport equipment - Forging, extrusion and hot moulding tools.
Technická Data
Tensile strength Rm
630 MPa
Yield strength Rp0,2
390 MPa
Elongation A5
40 %
Impact strength AV (J/-196°C)
Hardness as welded
165 HV30
Hardness after work hardening
320 HV30
Castolin Eutectic