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CDP® 212 wearplates

Wearplate with high abrasion and...

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CDP® 212 wearplates

Wearplate with high abrasion and erosion resistance.
CDP® 212 contains evenly distributed tungsten carbides and chromium carbides particles in an iron alloy matrix. This economical powder wearplate offers a high abrasion and erosion resistance when it is used in non corrosive conditions. CDP® powder wearplates offer extremely good bonding to the base material. They can be easily formed by rolling and cut by plasma, laser and water jet machines.
  • Lightweight to facilitate simple and easy handling.
  • High quality surface structure with excellent flatness.
  • Ultimate superior uniformity wear protection overlay as there is no dilution of base material.
  • Absence of cracks compared to welded wear plates.
  • Low coefficient of friction and smooth surface to avoid clogging and sticking.
  • Excellent formability and easy to cut with laser, plasma or water-jet for precision parts.
  • Easy to weld base metal.


CDP® 212 contains evenly distributed tungsten carbides and chromium carbides particles in an iron alloy matrix. This economical powder wearplate offers a high abrasion and erosion resistance when it is used in non corrosive conditions. CDP® powder wearplates offer extremely good bonding to the base material. They can be easily formed by rolling and cut by plasma, laser and water jet machines.
  • Lightweight to facilitate simple and easy handling.
  • High quality surface structure with excellent flatness.
  • Ultimate superior uniformity wear protection overlay as there is no dilution of base material.
  • Absence of cracks compared to welded wear plates.
  • Low coefficient of friction and smooth surface to avoid clogging and sticking.
  • Excellent formability and easy to cut with laser, plasma or water-jet for precision parts.
  • Easy to weld base metal.

Související dokumenty

Technická Data

Gross dimensions
850 x 1250 mm
Coated surface
800 x 1200 mm
Base material
4 mm
Coating thickness
2 mm
Base material
Steel S235
50 Kg

Castolin Eutectic

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