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SuperJet-S- System

Système de projection modulaire pour...

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SuperJet-S- System

Système de projection modulaire pour les poudres à projection-fusion Eutalloy®.
SuperJet Eutalloy® is an oxy-acetylene thermal spray torch which delivers very precise anti-wear protective coatings. Alloy powders are sprayed onto the part to be coated and are fused simultaneously. Bonding with the base metal by diffusion ensures that it does not reach its melting point. The dense coating is not affected by dilution and retains all its designed properties. Modular design The system's modular design makes it easy to remove all components for cleaning, maintenance and eventually replacement. Safety First Each component, as well as the completed torch, is subject to rigorous quality control. Safety devices have been incorporated, such as: Quick shutoff lever cuts supply of gases to the torch. Heating in the torch causes sintered plugs to fuse, blocking the gases. Advantages
  • Flexible, multi-purpose and quick
  • Usable in all positions on a wide range of base metals including steels, alloyed steels, stainless steels and cast iron
  • Flexible high speed operation with maximum safety
  • Consistent deposit quality
  • Coats full range of metals


SuperJet Eutalloy® is an oxy-acetylene thermal spray torch which delivers very precise anti-wear protective coatings. Alloy powders are sprayed onto the part to be coated and are fused simultaneously. Bonding with the base metal by diffusion ensures that it does not reach its melting point. The dense coating is not affected by dilution and retains all its designed properties. Modular design The system's modular design makes it easy to remove all components for cleaning, maintenance and eventually replacement. Safety First Each component, as well as the completed torch, is subject to rigorous quality control. Safety devices have been incorporated, such as: Quick shutoff lever cuts supply of gases to the torch. Heating in the torch causes sintered plugs to fuse, blocking the gases. Advantages
  • Flexible, multi-purpose and quick
  • Usable in all positions on a wide range of base metals including steels, alloyed steels, stainless steels and cast iron
  • Flexible high speed operation with maximum safety
  • Consistent deposit quality
  • Coats full range of metals

Données Techniques

Taux de déposition
0.5 - 5.0 kg/h
Débit d'oxygène
90 - 1200 Nl/h
Débit d'Acetylène
80 - 1100 Nl/h
Pression d'Oxygène pressure
1.5 - 2.5 bar
Pression d'Acetylène
0.5 - 0.6 bar

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