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May 28, 2014

Eutectic Canada unveils NEXT GENERATION GAP 3501 and OTW Hardbanding Products at Global Petroleum Show


The Global Petroleum Show is Canada’s premier exhibition for Oil and Gas exploration and production, attracting attendees from over 50 countries who gather together to share the latest in key industry developments.

The OilTec Exhibit displays Eutectic’s strong position in wear facing solutions, including advanced systems and processes for the most challenging applications. Attendees can discuss wear solutions with OilTec experts as well as be introduced to our new OTW Line, the best performing range of hardbanding alloys in the industry today:

  • OTW10 SS (Severe Sour Environments)
  • OTW16 XS (Extreme Service)
  • OTW12 Ti (Titanium-Carbide)
  • OTW13 CF (Crack-Free)

Our customers demand superior performance. Eutectic Canada delivers this with the highest quality products available to the global market.

Come and meet us!
Eutectic booth #5161 / Lower Big Four
10-12 June, 2014 at Stampede Park in Calgary Canada

To learn more about the Castolin Eutectic OilTec division, please visit


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