Castolin Eutectic launches the ultimate wear protection Flux Cored Wire for combined wear at extreme temperatures

Dublin, Ireland - Castolin Eutectic, a leading innovator in maintenance, surface protection and joining, has launched EnDOtec® DO*6070N, a new welding wire that enables a long lifetime for components that need to withstand extreme temperatures (800 °C) and heavy erosion, abrasion and corrosion.
Manufactured in the Castolin Eutectic factory in Dublin (Ireland), the new EnDOtec® DO*6070N flux-cored welding wire has been launched to boost productivity, increase efficiency and reduce maintenance cost by providing greater durability for components exposed to heavy wear, especially at high temperatures. For example, sinter crushers in the steel industry, furnace feed screws in waste-to-energy (WtE) plants or components in cement kilns. This alloy produces a fine metallurgical microstructure, which provides excellent resistance to abrasion by both fine and coarse particles and retains its properties despite intense heat (~69 HRc at room temperature ~58 HRc at 600°C; ~42 HRc at 800°C).
The welding wire offers a new way of applying the high performance 6070N material used successfully for decades in the form of Castolin Eutectic electrodes for manual metal arc welding (MMA). Owing to an improved precise manufacturing process, with superior strip properties and surface finish, it is perfectly suited for use in both robot and manual welding, without the slightest difficulty in parameter setting and mechanical feeding.
Producing EnDOtec 6070N in the form of welding wire was not previously possible because of the high alloying content. However, with the joint efforts of Castolin Eutectic’s research and development teams from Ireland and Austria success was achieved in modifying the raw ingredients to produce the alloy as wire.
Enrique Matey, Castolin Eutectic’s Global Product Manager for welding consumables, says: “The new EnDOtec® DO*6070N welding wire is the culmination of a long-held ambition. Laboratory tests have shown unbeatable results and the first applications in the field are confirming them. Its weldability goes beyond the high requirements envisaged for this product during its development. The 6070N alloy is already the go-to material for anti-wear protective coatings in heavy industry so making it available as a wire gives our customers the ability to use it widely in robot welding and ultimately reduce their downtime.”