Xuper NucleoTec N 2222
Ideal for joining dissimilar steels even of varying thicknesses
Xuper NucleoTec N2222 is a XuperLIFE FridgidArc coated electrode. Its a specially formulated alloy with a high percentage of nickel, chromium and manganese. Deposits
offer an unusual combination of physical properties which include:
- High Ductility
- High Impact Resistance
- Minimum Base Metal Dilution
- Extraordinary Thermal Integrity
- Excellent Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance
Xuper NucleoTec N2222 is a XuperLIFE FridgidArc coated electrode. Its a specially formulated alloy with a high percentage of nickel, chromium and manganese. Deposits
offer an unusual combination of physical properties which include:
- High Ductility
- High Impact Resistance
- Minimum Base Metal Dilution
- Extraordinary Thermal Integrity
- Excellent Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance
The ideal solution when welding critical engineering equipment, cryogenic equipment, injection molds, forging tools and dies, gas liquefaction equipment, chemical
processing equipment, heat exchange equipment and kiln tires.
Technical Data
90 HRB
Tensile Strength
94,000-100,000 psi (650-690 N/mm2)
Yield Strength
56,565 psi (390 N/mm2)
Elongation (1=5d)
Impact Strength
96 ft. lbs. (130J) at 68°F (20°C)
Current polarity
DC Reverse
Bend Test Results
(3 x 90° free-bend tests) Free from fissures and/or cracking
Castolin Eutectic