EutecTrode® 6800
Manual electrode for corrosion and oxidation resistance and thermal shock applications.
Manual electrode for anti-wearand anti-corrosion protective coatings on a wide range of parts.
Features and benefits
- Good resistance to heat and corrosion
- Impact wear increases hardness
- Creep-resistant deposit
- Easily machinable deposit
Manual electrode for anti-wearand anti-corrosion protective coatings on a wide range of parts.
Features and benefits
- Good resistance to heat and corrosion
- Impact wear increases hardness
- Creep-resistant deposit
- Easily machinable deposit
Hot cutting blades, Forging and stamping dies
, Chemical mixers, Pumps and valves.
Technical Data
Typical Hardness (as deposited)
210 HRB, work hardens in service
Typical Tensile Strength
85,000 psi
Castolin Eutectic