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EutecRod 141

A high silicon-bearing cast rod...

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EutecRod 141

A high silicon-bearing cast rod for "hot brazing" gray cast irons when a soft machinable deposit is critical. Use with 14D flux.
EutecRod 141 is cast rod, high in silicon for “hot” fusion welding of broken and major worn surfaces. When applied using the correct procedure the weld deposit is soft, ductile, and extremely machinable. Deposits typically match those of the base metal.


EutecRod 141 is cast rod, high in silicon for “hot” fusion welding of broken and major worn surfaces. When applied using the correct procedure the weld deposit is soft, ductile, and extremely machinable. Deposits typically match those of the base metal.


Common applications are cracked engine and pump cylinder heads, valve seat rebuilding repairing cracked engine manifolds, and for repairs where the deposit must be fully machinable and be similar in composition and properties to the cast iron.

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Technical Data

Typical Tensile Strength
40,000 psi (275 N/mm2)
Typical Hardness (BHN)
Color Match Properties
Excellent. Will match the basemetal.
Heating System (preheating)
Furnace preferred withpreheating to 1500°F (815° C)
High capacity oxy-fuel torch with optimized BTU’s

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