EnDOtec® DO*14
Premium Metal-Cored, Gas Shielded Build-Up Wire for Low Alloy Steels
EnDOtec DO*14 is designed for abrasion and impact resistance for applications on plain carbon steel and ferritic and martensitic low and medium alloy steels.
EnDOtec DO*14 is designed for abrasion and impact resistance for applications on plain carbon steel and ferritic and martensitic low and medium alloy steels.
- Bucket Arms - Bulldozers - Buckets
- Front End Loaders - Bucket Teeth
- Conveyors - Augers
- Hot Forming Dies - Forging Dies
- Extrusion Tooling
- Shafts - Rams
- Chipper Discs -Knives
Technical Data
Hardness 1/2/3 Pass Work Hardened
HRC20 / HRC38 / HRC45 HRC50
Current & Polarity
DC (+) electrode positive
Power Source Type
Constant voltage & Integrated Wire Drive
Shielding Gases
Ar 98% + 2% O2 (1st) Ar 75% + 25% CO2 (2nd)
Castolin Eutectic