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ThermoTec 18934

Nylon 11 Available in Black...

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ThermoTec 18934

Nylon 11 Available in Black or White, offers broad corrosion resistance and excellent low-friction properties . Use with TeroDyn 2000/3000
The combination of lightweight, high strength and resistance to environmental factors makes this thermoplastic an ideal material for industrial municipal and commercial applications. Coatings have broad corrosion resistance and excellent low friction properties. CPW 5094 suitable for use with TeroDyn 3000 only. Respectively Nylon white and Nylon Gray.


The combination of lightweight, high strength and resistance to environmental factors makes this thermoplastic an ideal material for industrial municipal and commercial applications. Coatings have broad corrosion resistance and excellent low friction properties. CPW 5094 suitable for use with TeroDyn 3000 only. Respectively Nylon white and Nylon Gray.


Reduced friction wear applications, Barrier coatings including particulate erosion resistance, Pipe flanges, Brackish water pumps

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Technical Data

Typical hardness
Rockwell D ~75
Service temperature (max.)
250ºF, melting point 360ºF

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