EutecTrode 40
A high manganese electrode with added nickel for optimum resistance to both impact and compression.
A versatile electrode for both build-up and joining applications with superior impact resistance.
- Superior impact resistance
- Capable of withstanding compression loading
- Versatile for both joining and hardfacing cushioning applications
A versatile electrode for both build-up and joining applications with superior impact resistance.
- Superior impact resistance
- Capable of withstanding compression loading
- Versatile for both joining and hardfacing cushioning applications
Bucket lips and sides, Dozer cutting edges, Loader scoops, Ripper shanks, Trencher sprocket teeth, Bucket teeth, Hammers, Augers, Scraper blades.
Technical Data
Typical Hardness (as deposited)
90-95 HRB
Typical Hardness (work hardened)
40-45 HRC
Castolin Eutectic