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Pump lining techology reduces friction

Pump lining techology reduces friction and absorbs energy of cavitation bubbles. Cavitation is a fluid mechanics phenomenon that is formed due to vapour cavities in a liquid, also known as “bubbles” that are a consequence of forces acting upon the fluid. It occurs when a fluid is subjected to rapid changes in pressure and forms bubbles where the pressure is low, when subjected to higher pressure these bubbles implode and can generate an intense shock wave causing major wear on the impeller and casings. This in turn, will alter the dynamics of the fluid flow, lowering the efficiency of the pump, which then drives up the energy costs. Cavitation is not solely a mechanical problem. Damage resulting from electro active fluids such as sea water can result in agressive galvanic attack from dissimilar metals in the pump as well as repair welds.

Protect pumps from this damage

The smoother the pump surface the less likely it is to form bubble nucleation sites, due to differential surface morphology and fluid direction. A slick erosion resistant and flow efficient coating has proven to protect pumps from this damage and reduce expediture. Additionally, replacement costs can be eliminated when damage is repaired and rebuilt using MeCaFix 120 based metal repair as the base layer, overcoated with MeCaWear 300, which is a hybridized blend of polyurethane/epoxy ceramic coating for higher impact resistance.

With MeCaWear 300 and MeCaFix 120

MeCaWear 300 is a novel hybridized engineered wear protection technology that takes advantage of two resin chemistries: epoxy resin for its chemical resistance and elastomeric polyurethane for its high tear strength and impact resistance. The engineered ceramic blend within MeCaWear 300 produces a composite matrix that includes both silicon carbide along with an elasto-plastic technology that provides both ultra high wear performance along with a novel crack arresting property to minimize surface fracture during high impact and erosion service. MeCaFix 120 offers ease of use with high build metal repair properties. The strength and surface tolerance of MeCaFix 120 makes it an ideal choice for the repair of base metal repair.

Delivery-ready for operation

Service life of rotary valves is determined by the wear of their components. Worn edges and surfaces deteriorate the efficiency of the whole valve significantly. A regular service and maintenance is relevant to the productivity and economy of the entire system.
▪ delivery-ready for operation
▪ lasting wear protection solutions
▪ significantly increased service life
▪ thereby lower maintenance costs and increased plant availability
▪ Important cost savings

What we can do for you

▪ wear protection on housing and side covers
▪ manufacturing of durable sealing strips and knives
▪ high quality coating of the rotor
▪ replacement of bearings and seals
▪ processing of seats and drive shaft butts

ChromeClad™ combats Erosion and Corrosion

Castolin Eutectic believes there is no such thing as “acceptable” levels of tube wastage. Now corrosion and erosion can be stopped thanks to ChromeClad™. Our unique process outperforms other coatings to provide superior protection by effectively stopping the permeation of corrosive elements, prolonging the time periods between required maintenance. The concept is simple: we prepare your metal surfaces and apply an optimised arc spray coating which is then densified with our exclusive Tube Armor® ceramic coating. This one-of-a-kind system of protection not only excels in the face of extreme conditions, but also can be customised to fit your exact operational requirements. ChromeClad™ is applied faster than any other thermal spray system.

More than a coating...

Thanks to ChromeClad™’s advanced composite system, your operation can experience exceptional protection even in the most challenging conditions.
- Superior bond strength: will not flake, spall or crack
- ChromeClad™ thickness is measurable: it is a readable, verifiable coating
- Erosion resistant surface is impervious to airborne particulates, impermeable to corrosion and resistant to thermal shock
- Non-catalytic: prevents salt cake and slag build-up
It is not just the composition of ChromeClad™ that makes it a superior choice for preventing tube wastage. Castolin Eutectic's thorough and detailed application and quality control procedure ensures optimum results. It includes:
- Inspections and mapping to determine wear rates
- Documentation of customer operational goals
- Customisation of ChromeClad™ to meet or exceed requirements
- Application of the complete ChromeClad™ system by our certified technicians
- Final inspection and quality control report to customer
- Delivery of warranties

For water walls, economizers, evaporators

ChromeClad AR: a coating having an excellent corrosion resistance coupled with an outstanding erosion resistance. This high chromium alloy containing ultra hard phases has been designed to produce very high quality coatings in combination with our Tube Armor ceramic coating which prevents slag build-up.
ChromeClad XC: a nickel based coating providing outstanding resistance within extreme corrosive environments. The proprietary alloy based top coat is applied over an extremely dense bond coat which literally seals the weak ferrous substrate and ensures excellent bonding. Our Tube Armor ceramic layer is applied over this coating to prevent slag build-up.
Typical ChromeClad uses:
- Water walls
- Soot blower lanes
- Nose arch and slope tubes
- Lower slopes
- Superheaters and reheat tubes
- Economisers
- Evaporators
- Heat exchangers
- Scrubbers ducting
- ID fans
- Pulverised coal fired boilers
- Circulating fluidised bed boilers
- Waste-to-Energy boilers
- Waste heat units
- Air preheated baskets
- Back pass areas
- Burners
- Chutes and ducts

Dramatic increases in component life

Reciprocating equipment suffers many wear problems with plungers running in soft packing or cup type pistons running in metal liners. Both have the same requirement for maintaining the surface condition of the stationary and moving components. Dramatic increases in component life can be achieved where seal materials operate against lapped or honed MoniPlex® coated surfaces (Castolin Eutectic proprietary sealants), normally with a proportional increase in seal material life.

For chemical, agro-chemical and sewerage processing industries

MoniPlex® is applied to components in the pump, chemical, agro-chemical and sewerage processing industries: With conventional materials there is often a conflict of interest when both resistance to corrosion and resistance to wear are required. A typical example is equipment in the North Sea; materials such as Inconel are preferred for their corrosion resistance, but these materials have relatively poor resistance to wear. MoniPlex® coatings will provide the wear resistance and they are also inert to most forms of chemical attack.
Discover other industries

For anti-wear and anti-corrosion cold arc sprayed coatings