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October 15, 2012

Castolin Eutectic unveils OTW Hardbanding Product Range at ATCE Exhibition in USA


Castolin Eutectic OilTec is proud to announce its unveiling of the new OTW Hardbanding Product Line at the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition (ATCE) in San Antonio, Texas, USA between 8 - 10 October 2012.

The OTW Product Line includes:
  • OTW10 SS (Severe Sour Environments)
  • OTW16 XS (Extreme Service)
  • OTW12 Ti (Titanium-Carbide)
  • OTW13 CF (Crack-Free)

The ATCE focuses on all phases of oil & gas exploration and production, attracting attendees from over 50 countries who gather together to share the latest in key industry developments. The OilTec Exhibit displays OTW banners, technical literature, HDTV monitor, along with original product samples from our new OTW Line. Referencing Technical Product Data Sheets (TPDS) during technical sessions, attendees were also given an interactive, hands-on demonstration from our OTW samples, making technical data easier to understand while exhibiting the superior quality our products are made from.

Our customers are very satisfied with the longevity, durability and superior casing friendly properties our OTW products provide. Outperformance is measured not only from a quality and price-point perspective, but through providing peace of mind.


"No matter where in the world our customers may be, or when they need our help, a member of our global team of technical experts can be on-site at a moment’s notice to assist our customers’ needs and ensure the highest degree of quality, guaranteed every time."


Castolin Eutectic OilTec cordially invites all of you attending the ADIPEC Show to visit us at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre from the 11th to the 14th of November 2012. We look forward to seeing you there!


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